Fast and easy procurement with competitive pricing.
We partner with all the major IT vendors to provide an ever expanding suite of products and peripherals for easy procurement.
Offering a flexible approach to ordering, you can order online through our Online Tech Store or via our hardware and software procurement team, who guarantee fast turn around times to any enquiry.

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Services Offered
Our Managed Infrastructure Services include:
Software Asset Management Audit
When was the last time your business conducted a software licensing audit? If you haven’t done so already, we recommend conducting a Software Asset Management (SAM) Audit. A SAM audit enables you to maintain continuous software license compliance and always be prepared for any vendor software audit.
Lifecycle Asset Management
Lifecycle Asset Management is a cost-efficient and flexible way to ensure your business and staff are equipped with the latest technology, without upfront capital costs.
Microsoft 365
Integrating Office 365, Windows 10 and Enterprise Mobility and Security, Microsoft 365 offers a new, intelligent and secure way to empower your people and create a truly modern workplace.
How you can benefit
Leverage industry experience and scale to procure your hardware and support services, within a consultative and vendor independent approach.
Leverage our buying power
We work closely with the world’s leading vendors and several major distributors across Australia to bring you a wide range of hardware and software products, at the best possible rate.
Staging facilities
To expedite your hardware readiness, items such as desktops, laptops and servers can be delivered straight to Phonetek. Let our team do the work for you and preassemble or configure your hardware for your immediate use.
Licensing and compliance
We have the experience, certification and acclaimed expertise in software licensing, ensuring you only acquire the software you need, and always maintain compliance.
Single source services and infrastructure
By utilising our software procurement services, you’ll be connected to a dedicated team to ensure you receive the best possible service, and cost-effective outcome for your business.
Online Tech Store
Through our Online Tech Store, you can shop online for the majority of all commonly sold IT products and peripherals such as desktops, workstations, printers, routers, anti-virus software, scanners and projectors to name but a few.
Reduce upfront investments
We offer flexible payment options including leading so that you don’t need to deal with large upfront capital investments.
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